Good Mythical Morning

Good Mythical Morning

28 Seasons

Two "Internetainers" (Rhett & Link) go far out and do the weirdest things, giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday.



Ep 1

Extremely OCD Morning Routine

Rhett tells the audience what his extremely OCD morning routine is, as well as introduce the show.

Ep 2

Strangest Name In History

Rhett and Link discuss the strangest name ever.

Ep 3

Dog-Eating Plants

Rhett and Link attempt to predict the future.

Ep 4

Chinese Hornets For Breakfast

Wild China, Granny on a zipline, eating Hornets.

Ep 5

Best Candy Bar Ever

Rhett and Link taste different candy bars and decide their favorites.

Ep 6

Our Nasty Secret

Rhett and Link discuss the discovery of their tonsil stones.

Ep 7

How To Talk To Girls

Link gives his advice about talking to girls for single guys.

Ep 8

How To Choose A Ringtone

Rhett and Link discuss what is the best way to choose a ringtone.

Ep 9

Best Animal Ever

Rhett and Link discuss their favorite animals.

Ep 10

Sleeping In Public

Rhett and Link talk about sleeping in public.

Ep 11

Guy Robs Store With Infection

Rhett and Link discuss a guy who tries to rob a store by threatening to give people an infection.

Ep 12

Killer Robots

Rhett and Link attempt to predict the future of robots and hand gestures.

Ep 13

Extreme Impulse Buying

Rhett and Link discuss the effectiveness of advertising.

Ep 14

Best Facial Hair Ever

Rhett and Link discuss different beards.

Ep 15

Near-Death Experiences Every Day

Rhett and Link talk about everyday near-death experiences.

Ep 16

I Wear Women's Deodorant

Rhett and Link discuss science of deodorant.

Ep 17

How To Get The Girl This Valentine's Day

Rhett and Link share advice about how to get a girlfriend on Valentine's Day.

Ep 18

Crisis! Multitasking Tweens

Rhett and Link discuss a study on multitasking between girls.

Ep 19

Best Cereal Ever

Rhett and Link discuss some of their favorite breakfast cereals.

Ep 20

The Dog Curse

Rhett shares why he thinks he is cursed around dogs.

Ep 21

Woman Robs Store W/ Curling Iron

Rhett and Link talk about a woman who robed a store with a curling iron.

Ep 22

My Epic Fail At Target

Rhett shares his epic Target fail.

Ep 23

Door-to-Door Danger

Rhett shares his odd experience with door-to-door saleswoman.

Ep 24

Best Superhero Ever

Rhett and Link discuss some of their favorite superheroes.

Ep 25

Our Kids Gone Wild

Rhett and Link talk about their weekend alone with their kids.

Ep 26

Our Romantic Exploits

Rhett and Link share their romantic exploits.

Ep 27

Never Make These Faces

Rhett and Link talk about default facial expressions.

Ep 28

My Crazy Massage Experience

Rhett shares his crazy massage experience.

Ep 29

Best Board Game Ever

Rhett and Link talk about their favorite board games.

Ep 30

Pregnant Woman Tackled On Beach

Link shares a story about when his pregnant wife was tackled on the beach.

Ep 31

How To Buy Anything

Rhett and Link discuss how to buy things.

Ep 32

Man Opens Plane Hatch For Baby

Rhett and Link discuss a story about a man who opened an emergency plane hatch for a baby.

Ep 33

Birthday Fails

Rhett and Link discuss their worst birthday experiences.

Ep 34

Best Action Hero Ever

Rhett and Link discuss their favorite action heroes.

Ep 35

My Jacket Got A Waiter Fired

Rhett shares a strange story about his jacket and a waiter.

Ep 36

Link's Tricycle Accident

Link shares the story of his adult tricycle accident.

Ep 37

Idiot On A Construction Site

Rhett shares his embarrassing construction site story.

Ep 38

Experience Binaural Beats With Us

Rhett and Link discuss binaural beats.

Ep 39

Best Chips Ever

Rhett and Link discuss their favorite chips.

Ep 40

How To Prepare For An Earthquake

Rhett and Link discuss how to prepare for an earthquake.

Ep 41

Man Caught Peeing On Google Street View

Rhett and Link talk about a man who was caught peeing on Google Street View.

Ep 42

Weird People At The Farmer's Market

Rhett talks about weird people he saw at the farmers market.

Ep 43

Bunny Wreaks Havoc At Kid's Park

Rhett and Link talk about bunnies and pole dancers at the park.

Ep 44

Windshield Lasers And Ketchup Water

Rhett and Link discuss windshield lasers and ketchup water.

Ep 45

Dangerous Do-It-Yourself Restaurants

Rhett and Link discuss the dangers of do-it-yourself restaurants.

Ep 46

GMM: My Hair Song - Behind The Scenes

Rhett and Link share behind the scenes of their music video for "My Hair Song."

Ep 47

Our Bad Hairstyles

Rhett and Link share some of their past bad hairstyles.

Ep 48

Trust And Self Barbering

Rhett and Link talk about cutting your own hair.

Ep 49

Tarzan And The Milkman

Rhett and Link discuss Tarzan, milkmen and medicine flavors.

Ep 50

Gun Range Mayhem

Rhett and Link talk about their trip to the gun range.

Ep 51

The Secret Words Of Happiness

Rhett and Link talk about words that make you happy.

Ep 52

Taxi Driver Finds $450,000

Rhett and Link talk about a taxi driver who found $450,000 worth of jewelry in his taxi.

Ep 53

Making Sense Of March Madness

Rhett and Link talk about being a fan of March Madness.

Ep 54

Toothpaste Is Poisonous

Rhett and Link talk about refrigerators, toothpaste and miniature pets.

Ep 55

Power Rangers Heal Boy

Rhett talks about treating his sick son with Power Rangers.

Ep 56

James Cameron Takes A Dive

Rhett and Link talk about James Cameron's trip to the bottom of the ocean.

Ep 57

Squirrel Makes Woman Call 911

Ep 58

Bugs In Your Frappucino

Ep 59

Side Effects Of Reading Rainbow

Ep 60

Mr T And The Awesomeness Of VHS

Ep 61

Secret Tapes Of Rhett & Link

Ep 62

My Hot Yoga Experience

Ep 63

Miniature Horse Sighting

Ep 64

Fistbump Vs Handshake

Ep 65

How To Sleep Less And Do More

Ep 66

Snake On A Plane In Real Life

Ep 67

Our Dream House Explodes

Ep 68

40 Crazy Brand Names

Ep 69

Clowns: Good Or Bad?

Ep 70

Epic Sibling Rivalries With The Gregory Brothers

Ep 71

How The Tupac Hologram Works

Ep 72

25 Unforgettable Movie Quotes

Ep 73

Our Funny Car Accidents

Ep 74

14 YRS Old And Legal To Drive?!

Ep 75

Bottled Water Is Bad

Ep 76

How Brain Freeze Works

Ep 77

One Direction Exposed

Ep 78

Awakened By Screams

Ep 79

Sunburn Vs Poison Ivy

Ep 80

14 Shocking Hollywood Sign Facts

Ep 81

Concert Fail Stories

Ep 82

How To Get A Job Or Date Without Speaking

Ep 83

Strange Street Dancing Woman

Ep 84

Ice Cream Vs Frozen Yogurt

Ep 85

Why Couples Look Alike

Ep 86

Squirrel Attacks My Son

Ep 87

Laugh Attack Workout

Ep 88

Epic Drawings From Grade School

Ep 89

Best Video Game Ever?

Ep 90

If I Were A Hermit...

Ep 91

Avengers - Stuff You Didn't Know

Ep 92

How To Find Your Lost Phone

Ep 93

How To Survive Bear Attacks & Quicksand

Ep 94

Best TV Theme Song Ever?

Ep 95

Training Wheels Are Evil

Ep 96

2 Dudes Vandalize McDonalds Over Onions

Ep 97

Dope Zebra: The Full Story

Ep 98

Embarrassing Teen Photos

Ep 99

Best Superpower Ever?

Ep 100

The GMM Song - 100th Episode

Ep 101

Why Your Memories Are Wrong

Ep 102

Secrets Of Rub Some Bacon On It

Ep 103

Robot Fails

Ep 104

Best Toy Ever?

Ep 105

Confessions: Stuff We've Stolen

Ep 106

Gettin' Queasy

Ep 107

Bigfoot: New Evidence

Ep 108

Best BBQ In Texas

Ep 109

20 Worst Tattoos Ever

Ep 110

Link's Fishing Accident (Rhett & Link Back Home)

Ep 111

High School Pranks

Ep 112

High School Sports Records

Ep 113

The Awkward Double Date

Ep 114

Tipping Cows, Riding Pigs

Ep 115

Panic Attack On A Plane

Ep 116

How To Not Be Weird

Ep 117

6 Crazy Thoughts

Ep 118

Don't Touch The Art!

Ep 119

Best Music Video Ever?

Ep 120

Screwed Over On Craigslist

Ep 121

Adventures In Public Transportation

Ep 122

Bronies: The Controversy

Ep 123

Learning To Lucid Dream

Ep 124

Best Cartoon Character Ever?

Ep 125

How To Share A Hotel Bed

Ep 126

Embarrassing Swimming Fail

Ep 127

Live Forever Online

Ep 128

How To Wrangle Crazy Kids

Ep 129

Best Of GMM Season One


Link Neal

Link Neal

Self - Host

Rhett McLaughlin

Rhett McLaughlin

Self - Host