
Episode 1
At the Maliks, 10-year-old Jack wants a smartphone, but Mum and Dad are stalling. In the real world, Kate meets cognitive neuroscientist Mark Williams, who believes smartphones are sapping kids' ability to pay attention.

Episode 2
Kate and Nazeem tackle the four horsemen of the parenting apocalypse - Boundaries, Rebellion, Discipline and Online Gaming.

Episode 3
This genre-bending series tackles some of the biggest problems facing Australian families today. From teens' sometimes-fraught search to find their tribe, to the all-pervasive effect of social media on children.

Episode 4
In this racy episode, Kate and Naz tackle Sex and Relationships.

Episode 5
The final episode explores topics that impact today's teens more than any previous generation. From the terrifying rise of anxiety and depression to the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and deep fake technology.

Amanda Keller

Kate Ritchie

Nazeem Hussain

Heather Mitchell