Hell or hotel

Hell or hotel

1 Seasons
Reality Crime Drama

Six Dutch celebrities - Dennis Weening, Joost Eerdmans, Mark Baanders, Hugo Kennis, Ayoub Louihrani and Jay Francis - are locked up in a prison together with a group of rehabilitated ex-convicts. All the celebrities have strong opinions about prison. Do they adjust their opinion?



Episode 1
Ep 1

Fresh meat

Presenter Mark Baanders and comedian Jay Francis are immediately put to the test upon entry. Sharing a small cell with an ex-con as a cellmate takes some getting used to, to say the least. Mark is painfully hazed and Jay stays anxiously close to cellmate Joop, who seems to have the upper hand. Who has the best tactics to survive in prison?

Episode 2
Ep 2

All victims

Inmate Mark Baanders seeks the perpetrator who wronged him, but risks becoming a victim again. Jay experiences the life he narrowly escaped when he traded the weed business for comedy. He misses his wife and infant daughter greatly and even considers breaking the rules for this. During a group session with Peter Faber, emotions run high.

Episode 3
Ep 3

Crime does not pay off

Blokhuispoort Prison welcomes two new inmates: presenter Dennis Weening and farmer Ayoub Louihrani. During their first day behind bars, the importance of drugs becomes immediately clear. Here, dealers and addicts keep the trade going, but also pay a price for it. All the misery raises one question: does crime pay off?

Episode 4
Ep 4

What is justice?

Some inmates feel at home faster than others. Ayoub is held accountable for this. Dennis has more trouble with being locked up. A session about victims also evokes dramatic memories for him. It leads to an extraordinary discussion about the justice of punishment and second chances.

Episode 5
Ep 5

The confrontation

Newcomer Hugo Kennis is immediately tested by cellmate Yassine. The TV chef is pressured to do something illegal right away. During a discussion, the flames immediately flare up for Member of Parliament Joost Eerdmans. Hugo struggles with his homosexuality. Does he dare to openly come out about his orientation?

Episode 6
Ep 6

Once a crook

Hugo adapts more and more, but Joost finds this more difficult. He does, however, get to know more and more guys and their stories. In this way he also discovers the problems that prisoners face in prison and after their release. The question is whether this will make Joost and Hugo think differently about imprisonment and rehabilitation.

Episode 7
Ep 7

The reunion

How has incarceration changed the opinion of the Dutch celebrities? What is the impact on the lives of the ex-prisoners? And what do their lives look like now? That's what you'll see as everyone returns in this reunion episode.


Dennis Weening

Dennis Weening

Jay Francis

Jay Francis

Hugo Kennis

Hugo Kennis

Mark Baanders

Mark Baanders

Ayoub Louirhani

Ayoub Louirhani

Joost Eerdmans

Joost Eerdmans