One Man, One Spear
A group of harpooners chase some of the highest-priced fish using fast boats and good aim.
Bluefin Bloodline
Captains Joe and Tyler hit bluefin gold as harpooner Niko Chaprales fails to land even one
Like Father, Like Son
Captain Joe Dion takes his sons to sea, witnessing a great white shark feeding on a humpback whale.
They Might Be Giants
As the fleet spots the first giants, Joe fights for his lead; Dylan gets a $6,000 tuna.
Boom Phase
Bluefin season peaks as three old fishing methods vie for supremacy
Keep Your Enemies Closer
With the use of spotter planes, veteran Tyler and young gun Joe battle for the most monster bluefin
Late Season Monsters
As the giant bluefin gorge themselves on schools of fatty baitfish, captains battle to capture oversized "quota-killer" tuna. Young gun Joe scores a rare hat trick, landing three in a day, while veteran Tyler struggles with both science and technology.
Fog of War
With less than a quarter of the bluefin quota still available to catch, a change in weather forces captains to shift their strategy. As Tyler quickly scores three big fish, Joe takes to the air -- he spots a lone tuna, then races to find it at sea