
Episode 1
The orphanage director Maged acts as guarantor to get Welaa, Moftah, Almaz and Atayef released after they steal a bag. As Tahani decides to document the orphanage's violations under Maged's supervision, Maged threatens her to delete the photos, so she tells him that she sent them to the editor-in-chief.

Episode 2
Welaa and Moftah steal the editor-in-chief's phone on Maged's orders to get rid of the photos. Obaid tries to commit suicide because of Maged, so Welaa decides not to give the phone to Maged. Atayef tries to help Tahani escape from the orphanage, and Sahar refuses to marry Welaa, so he gets depressed.

Episode 3
While escaping from the orphanage, Tahani discovers documents that incriminate Maged, so she takes them to the editor-in-chief. Atayef tries to look for her after he becomes attracted to her. Maged asks Welaa and Moftah to go to Yassin Al Haddad's villa to steal important documents that belong to him.

Episode 4
Welaa and Moftah bring the files from Yassin, and the editor-in-chief tells Tahani that he lost the data, so they quarrel and he fires her. Amina agrees to marry Khedr, and it is revealed that Souad is working for Maged. Welaa goes to Sahar after she agrees to marry him.

Episode 5
Sayed rebukes his mother for her intention to marry Welaa, so the marriage is cancelled. Souad asks Maged for money in exchange for telling him information about Moftah, and Yassin agrees with Welaa to give him information about his mother’s location in exchange for recovering the stolen file.

Episode 6
Almaz decides to leave the orphanage after turning eighteen, and Welaa and Moftah take the children of the orphanage to an apartment they rented using Maged's money, but the latter follows them, which puts them in an unexpected confrontation.

Episode 7
Maged rebukes Welaa and Moftah, takes the money, and returns to the orphanage with the children, but he discovers that the file that Atayef stole is missing. Atayef tests Tahani's loyalty to him by telling her that he will not give her the file, so she decides not to meet him again.

Episode 8
Amina asks Obaid to stay away from her because he abandoned her under Maged's threats. Obaid tells Maged that Atayef is the one who stole the file, so Maged decides to take revenge on him by killing him with poison to make it look like a natural death. Moftah discovers that Souad has lied to him.

Episode 9
Obaid decides to kill Maged, but he then backs down. Tahani asks Moftah to bring the file, so Moftah and Welaa grow suspicious of the reason for Atayef's death. Maged tempts Souad with money into driving a wedge between Welaa and Moftah, so she goes to confess her love to Welaa, and Sahar sees them.

Episode 10
After Welaa and Moftah confirm Maged's involvement in Atayef's murder, they lock him in and decide to take control of the orphanage and run it, but Maged tries to manipulate Welaa's feelings, telling him that his mother is still alive and that he knows where she is.

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Ahmed Malek

Taha Desouky

Mahmoud Hemida
ماجد العيسوي (بابا)

Farah Youssef

Gala Hesham

Mariam El Gendy
سلمى (الصحفية)


Moataz Hesham

Moustafa ElRoumy

Alaa Morsy

Diaa Abdel Khaleq
ياسين الحداد

Ismail Farghaly
جمال الديب