
Person of Interest
When a member of one of Jersey's wealthiest families is murdered, the police want Bergerac on the case.

Play Nicely
Bergerac doesn't care how many cages he rattles in his quest to find kidnapped baby Lily.

Alone, Alas, Alone
A threatening letter corroborates Bergerac's hunch that they have the wrong people in custody.

Different Rules Apply
Chloe finds evidence proving there's some truth in John Blakely's accusations.

Run the Story
A revelation about the night of Cate's murder changes everything.

Bergerac has a shocking realisation about the case.

Damien Molony
Jim Bergerac

Robert Gilbert
Barney Crozier

Pippa Haywood
Margaret Heaton

Stephen Wight
John Blakely

Sasha Behar
Uma Dalal

Chloe Sweetlove
Kim Bergerac

Aidan McArdle
Pete Benedict

Timothy Renouf
Julien Wakefield

Ayesha Antoine
Chloe Havron

Celine Arden
Kara Molloy

Luke Nunn
Simon Calvert

Philip Glenister
Arthur Wakefield