

1 Seasons
Kids Animation

Six middle schoolers are tricked into attending a fake academic summer camp by a mad scientist. Now they’re stuck for three months on a wild tropical island with mind-reading manatees, giant fighting fungi and fashion-forward mutants.



Ep 1

Dog Eat Dog

Mutant Mischief! The kids must face the Mutant thieves who stole their food.

Ep 2

Legitimate Summer Camp

Sweet Summer Science! The kids arrive at Lullah's mysterious summer camp and attempt to fix her laser

Ep 3


Oh the Hu-Nannytee! Lullah wants alone time and creates a Manatee-Nanny to watch the kids.

Ep 4

Noodle It (A Little Bit)

Lizard Lovin' Larry! Pliny must choose — support Larry's noodling habit or keep him safe.

Ep 5

Diorama Drama

Fiendish Figurines! Pliny tries to keep a promise when the kids play with a strange diorama.

Ep 6

Goat Racket

Crime and Beans! Sara feels guilt after conning Larry out of his collectible beans.

Ep 7

Breakfast at Chippany's

Chip Breakfast-Hands! Chip wants to make a breakfast that will blow his friends' socks off.

Ep 8


Herpetological Hijinks! Larry saves a baby lizard and swears to protect it from harm.

Ep 9

No Manhands is an Island

Maritime Mutation! Chip tries committing to the ways of survivalist Nils Vulfen.

Ep 10

Sister Swim

Perturbing Porpoise! When the kids encounter a dolphin, everyone is excited — except Merian.

Ep 11

Moon Moon

Resentful Robots! Lullah sends Sara to stop a rover from drawing a dirty rear on the moon.

Ep 12


Dire Dispatch! Francis goes on a quest to deliver a letter.

Ep 13

Finder's Kelpers

KELP-TOMANIA! Pliny and the Kelp Folk try to beat Lullah at her own game.

Ep 14

Truck Everlasting

NACHO NOSTALGIA! Mr. Okay worries Lullah is going to replace him.

Ep 15

Alpha Betta Chip

FISHY FISTICUFFS! Chip is forced to use slap-based tactics to defend a bullied mutant.

Ep 16

The Bomb Swapper

BLUFF GO BOOM! The kids’ prank accidentally lures one of Lullah’s nemeses to the island.

Ep 17

The Wolf of Jealousy

GOLD-RIDDEN GUILT! Larry must confront his jealousy or be consumed by it!

Ep 18

Stench Mensch

OFF-PUTTING PUDDING! To keep a secret, Lullah is forced to help Pliny assist a pathetic grub.

Ep 19

Francis Wants to Be Alone

FRAGILE FRIENDSHIPS! A spiraling Merian tries to figure out exactly why Francis left her party.

Ep 20

The Sash

PRESIDENTIAL PANDEMONIUM! The kids vie for a presidential sash.

Ep 21

Deep Trent

ASININE ASSIGNMENTS! Merian tries to save Dr. Lullah's fish counter from a life of busy work.

Ep 22

Disaster Play

A PLAY TO SAVE THE DAY! The kids put on a play to warn mutants about a disaster.

Ep 23


SNEAKY SECRETS! The kids have to face their deepest fears to retrieve their lost ball.

Ep 24

Lullah's Game

HAND VS. HAND! Lullah tricks the kids into playing a devious game.

Ep 25

Night Mutants

MIDNIGHT MUTINY! Larry wants to see what the island's nightlife has to offer.

Ep 26

Chunk Beastknuckles

CHIP MODS HIS BOD! Chip wants his rival to see him as a tough, apex predator worthy of being hunted.

Ep 27

The Leg Farm

LEAPIN' LEGS! Merian is sent to a special place to learn how to relax.

Ep 28

Unquenchable Thurst

NICE TO PEAT YOU! Pliny dislodges a naturalist from a bog and joins him on a journey of discovery.

Ep 29


CHLOROPHYLL-AINS! Francis has to protect a plant from a nefarious threat.

Ep 30

Big Ol' Heads Egg Salad Venture

EGGS-ISTENTIAL CRISIS! Merian struggles to open an egg salad stand with Pliny.


Tania Gunadi

Tania Gunadi

Pliny (voice)

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Mamet

Merian (voice)

Gabourey Sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe

Francis (voice)

Charlyne Yi

Charlyne Yi

Larry (voice)

Deborah Baker Jr.

Deborah Baker Jr.

Sara (voice)

Lorraine Toussaint

Lorraine Toussaint

Dr. Lullah (voice)

Zach Reino

Zach Reino

Chip (voice)

Jake Green

Jake Green

Mr. Okay (voice)